Doubts that are struggling inside my head

A very small Time Machine....
1. Take two watches. set the time of both watches as same. take one watch and swing into for some time, for example swinging it for 5 mins. after that, stop swinging, and compare the time on both watches!!!..

2. The time and space along with matters, stars are all evolved after Big Bang. At the time of Big Bang, all the matters thrown out very fast, that moves away from the core of Big Bang. If the speed of thrown away of matters would reach the speed exceeds the speed of light, then according to theory of relativity, time would go backward and the matters would reach the place where it started to explode!!!. Is it right??

Ans:  No! Because the TIME itself started only after the Big Bang. We cant even say "before" big bang as time being born only after that. Literally say as before big bang, there was no Time as well as no space, that even u couldn't imagine such a scenario!. The speed limit (i.e light speed, nearly 3lac km/sec) only applicable to the things within a solar system, or within a galaxy, but when it comes to beyond the galaxy, it wont be applicable. The Universe is expanding at an unimaginable rate, galaxies traveling at the speed faster than the speed of light.

3. Is it true that the light from a torch travels at the speed of light? If so, can we say that this torch is a small time machine?

4. I think All the things in the universe are same. If the speed of electrons revolves round the nucleus is same.

5.The carnivores are all medium in height not tall at all like the herbivores. Why?

Answer:May be the reason that carnivores are hunting animals, so they want to hide or crouch in order to attack the prey, Herbivores being preys wants to protect themselves from the attacking predators. So they should be more aware and alert, so their height will be more helpful to view around clearly.

6. Can Darwin's theory of evolution be applied to all the things which are experiencing birth and death?

Answer: Yes! The living beings were evolved from a unicellular organism, and according to Darwin's theory of evolution, they all developed and attained the present state. The every birth of the every living organism reminds us we are all emerged from a unicellular organism. Like a minute, very tiny cell that we could see it only through microscope, after 10 months, will become a baby: The gigantic banyan tree is evolves from a little seed that we can hold it on our little finger. It makes me stunning and surprising that, in the same sense our universe also evolved in the manner as living organisms evolved. About 13720 crore years ago, the whole universe that we are observing, were all in a very tiny point with extreme gravity. From that tiny point, this gigantic universe evolved!.